Meeting Minutes

9/26/2000 - Meeting Minutes

The Tallapoosa County Commission held its regularly scheduled meeting on September 26, 2000, at 6:00 p.m. in the Courthouse in Alexander City. Chairman Thweatt, Commissioners Coley, Tapley, McGill and Allen were present. Chairman Thweatt called the meeting to order. Commissioner Tapley gave invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Commissioner McGill made motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as presented, following a second by Commissioner Tapley the motion was adopted unanimously.

Commissioner McGill made motion to approve the payment of the warrants and following a second by Commissioner Tapley the motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

Chairman Thweatt made a motion to accept the recommendation of the County Engineer for the annual bid awards. Following a second by Commissioner Coley the motion was adopted by unanimous vote. (LISTING TYPED HERE)

County Administrator Jeanette Medders opened concrete bids. Commissioner McGill made motion to accept the low bidder that met specifications and following a second by Commissioner Coley the motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

A contract with Wedgworth Pest Control for pest control services for the jail was presented and totaled $2580.00. Following a motion by Chairman Thweatt and second by Commissioner McGill approval was unanimous.

Ms. Jan Bullard appeared before the Commission to request the dissolution of an unnamed sub-division in Our Town. Following a discussion Commissioner McGill made the motion to approve the request upon the recommendation of the County Attorney. Following a second by Commissioner Allen the motion was approved unanimously.

A contract with Department of Youth Services and a contract with the Lee County Youth Facility for the upcoming year for subsidy and housing of juveniles was presented by the County Administrator. Following a motion by Chairman Thweatt and a second by Commissioner Tapley the contracts were approved by unanimous vote.

Commissioner Tapley made a motion to approve the payment of purchase order 2238 for dirt in his district. Commissioner Allen duly seconded the motion and payment was approved by unanimous vote.

Chairman Thweatt requested an update on Sasser Road from the County Engineer. Mr. Cook reported that Mr. Peavy and Mr. Bradford were the two residents refusing to give right-of-way to the County and as a result plans to pave the road were presently stalled.

Chairman Thweatt made the motion to reappoint Mr. Frank Harris to the Lake Martin Area Industrial Development Board. Following a second by Commissioner Tapley the appointment was approved by unanimous vote.

Mr. Marvin Still informed the Commission that Deborah Ray was leaving the EMA Department and he requested approval to employ personnel to fill this vacancy. Commissioner McGill made the motion to approve the request and following a second by Commissioner Tapley the motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

County Engineer Dan Cook informed the Commission on the result of the traffic counters on all bridges.

Commissioner McGill requested citizens to support Amendment 3 in addition to Amendment 1 at the November General Election.

County Engineer informed the Commission of the fee schedule of Elmore County for inspection of sub-divisions.

Commissioner Coley updated the Commission on the recent Economic Development Alliance Board meeting.

Commissioner Tapley requested approval to solicits bids for work on a road. (Old Providence Road) Following a second by Commissioner Allen the motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

Commissioner Johnny Allen made a motion that the next time a Water Authority open cuts a paved road in his district without first having contacted him or the County Engineer that it be an automatic $2500 to repair the road and that the policy be county wide. County Attorney E. Paul Jones recommended each Water Authority be notified by certified mail of this resolution. Following a second by Chairman Thweatt the motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

County Attorney E. Paul Jones informed the Commission of the status of state inmates in the County Jail. Sheriff Abbett stated the average population is 120 per day and Department of Corrections is not providing adequate relief and requested the Commission to authorize the County Attorney and the Insurance carrier to proceed with whatever steps are necessary to alleviate the burden. Commissioner McGill made the motion to approve and following a second by Commissioner Allen the motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

County Attorney E. Paul Jones informed the Commission he had located a statute to cite residents for purchasing license tags in other counties. Commissioner McGill requested clarification on persons having residences in more than one County. Mr. Jones stated that if residents voted in Tallapoosa County and sent their children to school in Tallapoosa County that they were Tallapoosa County residents.

County Attorney E. Paul Jones publicly thanked the Chairman and County Administrator for attending the trial in federal court in Lee County. He stated he had requested the County Administrator to deliver documents and prepare to testify the second day of the trial and appreciated the cooperation he had received.

County Administrator Jeanette Medders requested the Commission to approve the S&W Contract contingent upon each Department's Official review input and approval. Commissioner McGill made the motion to approve the request and following a second by Chairman Thweatt approval was unanimous.

Chairman Thweatt requested approval of a pauper's funeral for infant Sandra Pearson. Commissioner Allen made the motion to approve and following a second by Commissioner McGill the motion was approved unanimously.

Chairman Thweatt made a motion to rescind the motion to repeal Act 92-234, and in the same motion reinstate part of the act. To delete section 2, delete the last two sentences in section 3, in section 4 retain the section requiring the payment in advance for materials, section 5 delete, retain section 6, retain section 7 and retain section 8, and section 9. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion and the vote was as follows: Chairman Thweatt stated only that Commissioner Coley abstained.

Chairman Thweatt made a motion to approve the agreement with State EMA to allow our EMA staff to assist in emergencies outside our County. Following a second by Commissioner McGill the motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

County Engineer informed the Commission of a letter from E-911 and stated several recommendations to questions posed in the letter. Upon motion by Commissioner Allen to table and a second by Commissioner McGill the motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

Chairman Thweatt informed the Commission of the status of the radio system and made motion to send out bid proposals for a 800 MHZ trunk radio system with the Board of Education sharing fifty (50%) percent of the cost. Commissioner McGill seconded the motion and approval was unanimous.

Commissioner Tapley recognized citizens from District 3 regarding illegal sub-divisions. Commissioner Tapley made a motion for the County Attorney and the County Engineer to handle this in the same manner and other illegal subdivisions. Chairman Thweatt seconded. Commissioner Tapley made a motion to withdraw his motion and Chairman Thweatt withdrew his second to that motion pending the County Attorney's report on researching the matter for the Commission.

Chairman Thweatt made a motion to approve a request for Probate Judge Gloria Sinclair to fill a vacant tag clerk for $6.60 per hour; a part-time clerk for 28 hours per week at $6.60 per hour and to employ a temporary probate clerk at $7.00 per hour. The $7.00 per hour will be paid from the Probate Judge discretionary fund. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion and approval was unanimous.

Revenue Commissioner Linda Harris requested an Executive Session

Commissioner McGill made the motion to go into executive session and following a second by Chairman Thweatt the motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

Commissioner McGill made the motion to return to regular session and following a second by Chairman Thweatt the motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

Chairman Thweatt made a motion to recess the meeting until September 28th at 6:00 p.m. and following a second the Commission voted unanimously to recess.

T.C. Coley, Jr. District One

Gerald McGill, District Two

Frank Tapley, District Three

William "Bill" Thweatt, District Four

Johnny Allen, District Five

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